

Yann Le Guilly

Engineer & Entrepreneur
Tokyo🗼, Japan🇯🇵

🙇‍♂️ I’m Machine Learning Engineer🤖 in Tokyo🗼🇯🇵 and co-founder of zeteoh


Co-founder at zeteoh

We noticed that mobile games using physical activities are two types: Pokemon go style using GPS, and others using a step counter. Users are craving for more but the technology is limiting. So we created a tool using AI which detects several types of activities. It empowers game creators to provide more immersive experiences to players. This can affect millions of people's life positively by encouraging them to exercise more.

🤔 Imagine an RPG🎮 on your phone📲, you would have to walk, climb stairs, run🏃‍♀️, etc, to increase your character’s level💪! And running with your friends🏃🏽‍♂️🏃🏽‍♂️🏃‍♀️ would allow you to increase even faster📈 to clear a dungeon 🦑 and be the best in your area🌇 A kind of PokemonGO but focused on daily physical activities instead of the map!

We are also looking for providing our technology to insurance companies.

This will affect millions of people's life positively by encouraging them to exercise! Including myself 😀

Previous positions

Le Wagon Tokyo

Le Wagon Tokyo provides a data science curriculum. I had the opportunity to teach the Deep Learning section. I also supported the students during their projects.


I also joined Arithmer as a Machine Learning Engineer. Among the projects I worked on:

  • 💦 Fluid simulations

It is known that in Japan, natural disasters are quite common. In this project, the goal is to predict floods. Here is a movie.

  • 🍣 A robot making sushi

Very fun project! I was developing the part that allows the robot to define cutting angles to obtain the best fish slice.


After my graduation, I spent 2 years at Abeja where I worked as a Machine Learning Engineer. Here are some examples of projects I worked on:

Here is the PR. I was the main engineer and the project was related to anomaly detection and computer vision.

  • 🛒 First "Amazon Go" type store with SoftBank

There was a demo at Softbank technology exhibition. In a team of 6 people, we built almost everything from scratch. I was responsible for collecting data and developing various machine learning models. Very good memory!

Academic background

I'm graduated in physics and mathematics from University of Rennes 1 (France). I also spent 1 year studying AI and especially Reinforcement Learning at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.